Wednesday 2 January 2008
Christmas Excursions
We've been out and about over the Christmas break. The weather has been fantastic. We spent nine days up north. We visited Matheson Bay:

The pohutukawas are stunning this year.
The walk from the beach up by the creek is short but excellent.

Back in Auckland things are amazingly quiet, probably because everyone else is still out of town! Yesterday we went out to the Hunua Ranges for a walk and a picnic. (Until yesterday I'd only been there once or twice, barely remembered, which is silly given what a huge park it is within an hour of Auckland.) We visited the falls first:

Then we did the Cossey-Massey loop track up to the Cossey Dam and back. The ferns are particularly amazing. Apparently more than half of NZ fern species are present in the area.

One day I'd like to get into tramping and camping. That's the only way to explore the more remote parts of the Hunuas.
You are right, the pohutukawas are terrific this year. Have a good one.