Eyes Above The Waves

Robert O'Callahan. Christian. Repatriate Kiwi. Hacker.

Sunday 12 August 2012

Attention NZ TV Sports Interviewers

When interviewing athletes after an event, I want to know what they think, not what you think. So, why are you always making statements and inviting the subject to agree with you? Instead, ask open-ended questions.


  • "It was tough at there for the last twenty minutes, wouldn't you say?"
  • "It looked like you were completely calm at the start?"


  • "What was the toughest part of the match?"
  • "How did you feel at the start?"

Same goes for any other kind of interview, but sports interviewers irritate me the most.


why are you always making compare the odds statements and inviting the subject to agree with you? Instead, ask open-ended questions.