Sunday 7 August 2016
Why I Don't Watch "Game Of Thrones"
(A bit of a followup on my last post...) On Friday night someone was talking about Game Of Thrones and, seeing as I'm a D&D fan and generally enthusiastic about faux-medieval fantasy, I felt obliged to explain why I don't watch it. Not wanting to sound sanctimonious or self-righteous, I explained "I've heard it has more sex and violence than I can handle" ... an answer hopefully winsome but quite true!
A few clarifications for the record... Most of my Christian friends watch it and I don't judge them over it. I know my favourite pastor watches it! It may be fine for them. In this matter I'm probably the weaker brother that Paul talks about in Romans 14.
One thing that turned me off it was an on-set report I read, where the director made it clear the sex was aimed to titillate. I fear I'd end up watching it for the wrong reasons.
If I really cared to participate in the pop-culture phenomenon, I'd read the books. Turns out I don't. (Yes, I know the books are full of sex and violence too, but to some extent they're limited by one's own imagination.) I probably will read the books anyway, because I've heard they're good, but I have a long reading list. Also I prefer to invest my time in long sagas only if I'm confident they end satisfactorily (X-Files, I'm looking at you!) so I should probably hold out until George R. R. Martin gets it done.