Sunday 4 April 2010
I took the kids out camping at the Craw campground near Anawhata for a couple of nights. The weather was perfect and we had a lot of fun. We walked down to Anawhata beach on Friday night, and on Saturday we walked down to and around Piha. One of the great things about camping over day hikes is that you can be out and about at dawn and dusk.
Craw campground is one of the new campgrounds for the Hillary Trail. After dark on Friday night a large number of teenage girls descended on the campground, completely exhausted after hiking all the way from Muriwai, and pitched their tents all around us. The kids and I being snug inside our tent, the girls were oblivious to our presence and there were, shall we say, some misplaced assumptions of auditory privacy. I probably should have bellowed something in my gruffest available voice, but at the time I wasn't sure what was appropriate. It was one of those weird social situations they don't tell you about in the manual.
