Tuesday 14 June 2011
Some Advice
Never, ever trust anyone who writes "PhD" after their name. Seriously.
To clarify: I have nothing against PhDs. I know lots of great people with PhDs. None of them write "PhD" after their name. People who write "PhD" after their name are trying to impress you.
The term "Ph.D." is used formally to differentiate different types of doctoral degrees, e.g., Ph.D., M.D., or LL.D. The prefix "Dr." is not used together with the suffix, as it would be superfluous. Informally many academic people are on a first-name basis and do not use either title.
"I know lots of great people that are black."
"I know lots of great people that are muslim."
"I know lots of great people that are women."
"I know lots of great people that are communist."
You known the drill...
If only people had stronger characters and personalities instead of hiding behind such clichés of hypocrisy...